Hello and welcome to the Sally Maina Foundation. I appreciate you for following our story and wanting to learn more about us. This foundation is named after, and dedicated in loving memory to my lifelong hero and inspiration- my beloved mum Sally Maina,called to new life on June 25th 2013.
I never in a million years imagined that my mum's death is what would push me to do what i've always wanted to do;start a foundation or charity of some kind.I have been an avid supporter of the World food programme and Feed the Children initiatives.I've always had a passion for these causes that strive to end world hunger. ,and will now endeavour on a personal level through this foundation to continue on in this remarkable jouurney of making a difference to society,and as away of continuing on my mum's great legacy that she has left,of loving,giving and caring for those around us in need.
I thank God for you, your support and contribution as we dedicate our efforts in this foundation to impact our communities in Kenya and help change lives for the better,one child,one family at a time.
Our God is good and faithful; he has given us resources and the ability to live comfortable lives.Even though sometimes we may not always feel contented or like we’re where we really want to be in life at that given time,it’s important to step back, look around us and be thankful for what we have,who we are and how far we’ve come.We then step out of our comfort zone and extend out our hand to our poor brothers and sisters, the needy and those trailing behind us plagued by unfortunate circumstances and less favorable situations. We help them to the best of our ability. If not for simple humanitarian compassion, we are also heeding the call of God from his word, and fulfilling our Christian duty of reaching out and loving our neighbor as ourselves, the second greatest commandment after loving God.Here at the Sally Maina Foundation, we will strive through our initiatives with support from generous donors and well wishers, to impact such lives positively.
Each act of kindness goes a long way, and we can never have too much help.In addition to offering food and clothing,enabling these children access to education is helping them exercise one of their human rights- the right to education. It’s also a great way to secure their future, and a great investment for this next generation of world changers.
We will also aim to help empower families at large through education and awareness about personal health ,hygiene and overall well being.
It is my desire, my prayer and the utmost joy of my heart that those who will be touched or helped through our programs will indeed draw strength for each day, and experience abounding hope and confidence for the future.
Please browse through the site and be more informed about our programs. I invite you to join us if you haven’t already, on this wonderful journey of faith, hope and love.
Thank you once again. May almighty God bless you and keep you.
Miriam Maina(Shiro)